The methodology and strategies used throughout the project valued the involvement, sharing, reflection and discussion of the different activities developed for the Consortium Partners.
Beyond the regular virtual meetings, conducted to discuss identified issues, along with the decision making inherent to the development of the project, Transnational Meetings enable face-to-face discussion and analysis of the goals achieved, of identified difficulties and strategies to overcome them, allowing a consistent and consensual planning ahead that reinforces the development and quality of the teamwork. Furthermore, these moments are fundamental to promote personal knowledge of the enlarged team members, increasing proximity and cooperation that works as facilitators of both personal and institutional motivation for the operationalization of the project.
InovSafeCare Project had four Transnational Meetings, hosted by the Coordinators (ESEnfC), by IPSantarem, Savonia UAS and PWSZ.
1st Transnational Meeting – ESEnfC
The first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM1) – Kick-off meeting, was organized on October 22nd and 23rd, 2018, with the main purpose of presenting the Project overview and Intellectual outputs. The main outcomes ware the different theoretical constructs approached which constituted the starting basis for the creation of the Model.
Dissemination of the project started in local newspapers, highlighting the importance of the thematic approached.
ESEnfC is the leader of innovative project in infection control
Innovative practices in Infection control in Nursing education
2nd Transnational Meeting – IPSantarem
The second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM2) took place in Santarém, organized by IPSantarém, during October 8th and 9th, 2019, with the main purpose of reviewing the developed InovSafeCare Model draft. The structure of agile piloting, project website and logos were other of the addressed issues. The main outcome was the development of the guidelines for the beginning of the agile piloting of InovSafeCare Model.
Beside the members participants from the Consortium, students from Healthcare Higher School participated with their proposal for the logo of the project.
This TPM 2 was disseminated in the local newspaper, as well as in social media
Higher School of Health hosts Transnational meeting
3rd Transnational Meeting – SAVONIA UAS
The third Transnational Project Meeting (TPM3) was hosted by SAVONIA UAS, on October 25th, 2021, with the main purpose of presenting the Project overview and status of the Intellectual outputs. The main outcome achieved was the development of the strategies to maintain the projects sustainability and E-book expansion.
4th Transnational Meeting – PSW Gniezno
The fourth Transnational Project Meeting (TPM4) was held on December 7th, 2021, with PSW Gniezno as the host. The main purpose was to summarize all contribution obtained in the InovSafeCare Community. The main outcomes achieved were the setting up of strategies to maintain the projects sustainability and its dissemination in the Community.
Summary of the international InovSafeCare project