The InovSafeCare Ebook is designed for healthcare students for the purpose of learning healthcare associated infections (HAI) prevention and control whose aim of is to motivate students to study independently and to concretize the learning content. Is organized into 12 modules that focus on the key areas and good practice guidelines of HAI prevention and control. The reference materials consist of international evidence-based recommendations and guidelines produced by WHO and ECDC.
The InovSafeCare Ebook includes interactive learning content such as quizzes, slide shows, and media elements. Each module contains competency testing quizzes. Quizzes provide students feedback on their current level of competence.
The InovSafeCare Ebook was first published via the DigiCampus platform, which is a Finnish Moodle-based learning management system. Students were able to sign in to DigiCampus with their Google accounts. The InovSafeCare Ebook has been further relocated into OpenEdu platform, which is also a Finnish Moodle-based learning management system. Nowadays students should enroll through Savonia institute.
E-Book / MOOC Log in Instructions
Dear guest,
In the following you will find the information on how to log in to the InovSafeCare E-Book / MOOC.You can find the InovSafeCare E-Book / MOOC from:
Password: inovsafeYou should be able to login with your personal Google or Microsoft account. As you login for the first time, you probably need to fill in your basic personal information (your name, country etc…) and to sign “CONTRACT FOR USING eLEARNING MATERIAL”. After that you should be able to login. You are able to change the language from Finnish to English from the lower right corner of the page. After you have done these steps, click the link in this email again, if you were not yet directed to the InovSafeCare E-Book / MOOC.
With the instructions provided in this email, you are able to log in as a visitor. As a visitor you should be able to see the content freely.
Best regards,
On behalf of InovSafeCare team.