Salamanca hosted the 1st Learning, Teaching and Training event in September 2021, during 3 working days, involving professionals from the academia (Pontifical University of Salamanca, Salamanca School of Nursing, Zamora School of Nursing and Ávila University School of Nursing) and from the practice of care (“Virgen de la Concha” Hospital).
Local dissemination of the LLT

SAVONIA University of Applied Sciences was responsible for the learning, teaching and training activities in October 2021, promoting the discussion about the InovSafeCare proposal, with special contributes to the eBook and simulation scenarios reflection and consequent future improvement.
ESEnfC | IPSantarem
In Portugal, LTT activities were placed in Coimbra and developed together by the two host Institutions. Activities had the participation of academics (from ESEnfC and ESSS) and partner institutions, namely Hospital Universitário de Coimbra, Hospital Distrital de Santarém, Hospital do Médio Tejo and CUF Santarém.
Local dissemination of the LLT

PSW Gniezno
The last LTT activities were in December 2021, hosted by PSW Gniezno with the participation of professors, students and nurses from the partner healthcare institutions.