A community of nursing teachers and students, nurses and other health professionals, as well as any citizen, institution or enterprise that desires to participate in the project. The community gathers the professionals and experts who are interested in including InovSafeCare Model in HCAIs prevention and control courses in nursing training and education.
The InovSafeCare community serves as a platform to spread new ideas and innovative solutions in the nursing field related to HCAIs prevention and control and will attract new members to the community by recurrent scientific and pedagogical events (Innovation and Entrepreneurship).
Furthermore, new members can join the community through its official website, in which all interested parties can be informed about the latest news of the project, breakthrough scientific discoveries in this field as well as have access to all pedagogical materials produced, for example the InovSafeCare Ebook, and the InovSafeCare Model.

password: inovsafe
The InovSafeCare Community also encourages representatives of the local healthcare organizations and technological companies to showcase their innovative solutions in the field of HCAIs prevention and control, ensuring that all participants are aware of the new opportunities and tools that can be used in clinical practice in combating infections and antimicrobial resistance.
This dynamic of constant transnational sharing started with Learning and Training activities developed along the project lifetime and, further planned and disseminated activities will ensure the partnership of different entities and scientific areas in HCAIs prevention and control, which could be the starting point for new collaborations and innovative projects.

We invite you to be a member of InovSafeCare Community, and, for free, receive all the updates produced about the project outputs and other information related to HCAIs prevention and control.
Connect yourself with us through this link (you need to register through a google account).
You can contact us directly by: inovsafecare@esenfc.pt

Activities to be developed will be disseminated here.
Presently, InovSafeCare Project has
One extension
PrevInf (Capacitating Asia’s Nursing Students on Innovative and Sustainable Prevention and Control of Healthcare-associated Infections), already implemented and funded by the European Union (https://previnf-project.mozellosite.com/)
Two extension projects submitted to Programme Erasmus+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Capacity Building in higher education

InfPrev4frica and HAInnovPrev. These projects aim to extend the results of this project to Sub-Saharan Africa and South America, enabling students, professors and institutions to develop within their specific cultural and educational dimensions to implement InovSafeCare Model and E-book philosophy.
Registered patents

Following the goal of the InovSafeCare project, to motivate students to generate and develop innovation, fostering the development of entrepreneurial culture in the educational community, new solutions related to HAIs prevention and control were developed along the project. These solutions are already patented or submitted to patent approval. (SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION).