The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) is a higher education institution, a centre for the creation, diffusion, criticism and transmission of culture, science and technology, developing its activities in several domains.
It has recently been designated as WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Research and Practice, and one of its functions is to produce knowledge on best education practices, including use of simulation in nurses’ training. This designation provides an important international recognition of its potential to produce and disseminate knowledge in this area.
The Nursing School of Coimbra host the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E) that aims to develop scientific research in health sciences, specifically in the nursing field. This unit is accredited by the Foundation for Science and Technology.
The Nursing School of Coimbra has a Simulation Centre with different kinds of simulators (e.g. low, medium and high fidelity), recent health care equipment and capacity to record the simulated scenarios. All the equipment is supported by recent/ proper technology and software that allows the disclosure the value of simulation to enhance teaching and learning in nursing education. Since then, ESEnfC try to make the: systematization of scientific evidence; production of teaching materials, testing and validate them; implementation of simulated clinical experiences in different levels of graduation; analysis of the educators/students benefits using the simulation.

The Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (Instituto Politécnico de Santarém) is an institution of public higher education at the service of society, committed to the high qualification of the citizens, destined to the production and diffusion of the knowledge, creation, transmission and diffusion of professional knowledge, culture, science, technology, the arts, guidedes research and experimental development, emphasizing the centrality of the student and the surrounding community, within na international frame of reference. Is recognized as a pole of development and a reference in training, culture and research develop in the region. Currently comprises five High Schools (Agriculture, Sports, Education, Management and Technology and Health).
Higher School of Health from Santarem (ESSS) is an educational organization structured in a culture of sharing knowledge and experiences, as a result of the construction of a philosophy of approximation between the different external contexts and dimensions of the internal one. With a significant tradition in nursing area, supported in an Accredited Quality self-regulation, throughout a permanent and deep reflexion focused on development and sustainability, provides an enlarged educational offer in nursing area, proposing new formative options for postgraduate and master degrees students, coming from all over the world.
The Higher School of Education of Santarém (ESES) is an institution of tertiary level, aimed at teaching, research, service to community and collaboration with national and foreign activities of common interest. Is currently operating the degrees of First Cycle of Basic Education, Childhood Education, Social Education, Cultural Animation and Community Education, Education and Communication Multimedia and Visual Arts and Multimedia.
The ESES is also focusing on training courses in order to meet the needs of professional, civic and cultural that are felt throughout life, in society. The ESES promotes innovative practices for teachers of all educational levels in several areas: Arts; ICT; Multimedia among other.

Hipolit Cegielski State University of Applied Sciences in Gniezno (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. H. Cegielskiego, PWSZ Gniezno) is a public educational institution established on 1st July 2004. PWSZ commits itself to building favorable conditions for providing education at a high European level. This is confirmed by the Erasmus Charter which opens up a lot of international opportunities. PWSZ in Gniezno puts the main accents on:
- high competences of students in the field of knowledge, skills and social competences;
- creativity that promotes the creation of new technologies;
- acquiring knowledge and skills in a practical way through access to modern research equipment;
- partnership with the professional environment and external partners, especially with entrepreneurs and hospitals.
PWSZ runs the following courses: Electronics and Telecommunication, Information and Communication Technologies, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Protection, Nursing, Transports, Management and Production Engineering, Physiotherapy and Chemical Technology.
The nursing course at PWSZ Gniezno was created in 2009. Nursing studies have a practical profile and prepare students for comprehensive and individualized nursing care of the patient. A nursing graduate obtains the “bachelor” degree and acquires professional qualifications that enable the student to work independently and undertake second-cycle studies. As the University expanded, in March 2020 a branch in Krotoszyn was established to educate undergraduate nursing students.
In the National HEI Ranking 2019 Perspektywy, PWSZ ranked 4 among Polish universities of vocational type and took first place in the region in the same category. In 2019 PWSZ Gniezno received a certificate Eagles of Education, a distinction for outstanding local educational institutions. PWSZ Gniezno was also honored three times with the University of Leaders certificate for high quality of education and training for the labour market as well as cooperation with the social and economic environment. In 2015, the University was awarded the title of the University of Leaders and the Primus distinction. The University also received a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the third time in a row as part of Excellence Initiative program to perfect the educational process.
With a vibrant team of academics, administrative staff and, above all, great students the University aspires to pursue continuous development in an international dimension.

The University of Salamanca (Universitas Studii Salmanticensis) has just turned 800 years old, is one of the oldest universities in the world and the first in Spanish. It has a long humanistic and scientific tradition and is present in four cities (Salamanca, Zamora, Ávila and Béjar). The University of Salamanca is among the 300 best institutions in the world in terms of employability, according to the world ranking of QS universities.
Its 26 faculties and university schools welcome more than 30,000 students. It is a university of great international projection that receives more than 7000 students from all continents every year. Along with its diverse academic offer of degrees and masters, USAL offers its students a wide cultural and sports agenda.
The University of Salamanca is located in a World Heritage city, dynamic and of great architectural value, which offers students a very safe environment with a wide cultural offer. For all these reasons, Salamanca is a city that is recognized worldwide as one of the main university cities.
As a main scientific area, Nursing is taught in three different university centres; Lea School of Nursing in Zamora, the School of Nursing in Avila and the Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy in Salamanca. The Degree in Nursing is aimed at training nurses with scientific preparation and training to describe, identify, treat and compare health problems that can be solved through the use of a set of nursing methods, procedures, models, techniques and actions that improve the state of health and contribute to the prevention of diseases and their consequences.

Savonia is a University of Applied Sciences in Finland, where co-operation, networking and internationalization are the crucial factors of Savonia ‘s success. Transdisciplinary in Savonia is secured by organizing education and research, development and innovation (RDI) into focus areas, which are Applied Wellbeing Technology, Innovative Engineering and Energy Industries, Responsible Food Production and Water Safety.
The organization has a strong know-how of distance learning and simultaneously has had several multi-field ICT-projects and digital solutions, in which both teachers and students from different fields and campuses have been involved. It offers students the opportunity to study alongside their job and learn.
The education is built on an Open Innovation Space (OIS) concept, which combines work life-oriented learning and RDI. Savonia develops the most authentic and flexible learning environments and integrates RDI activities with education and learning. It has one of the best simulation centers in Finland and has special expertise in simulation pedagogy. Besides Savonia ́s competence, there are also excellent facilities to educate both graduate and post-graduate e.g. nurses and biomedical laboratory scientists to learn new methods of infection control in simulation center and modernly equipped laboratories.